Примеры употребления для Ito Hirobumi
1. In the initial stage of the anti–Japanese revolutionary struggle he created such immortal classical works as "An Jung Gun Shoots Ito Hirobumi", "A mountain Shrine", "The Flower Girl" and performed them among people.
2. The immortal works "An Jung Gun Shoots Ito Hirobumi," "Three Pretenders," "Blood at an International Conference" and "A Mountain Shrine" which were created and guided by the President constitute the kernel of the anti–Japanese revolutionary drama.
3. Ito Hirobumi, a ringleader of aggression forces, blew up and the mausoleum of King Kongmin, the 31st king of Koryo Dynasty, in Kaesong to bring away the mausoleum treasures with more than ten trucks.
4. The famous masterpieces "A Mountain Shrine", "A Letter from a Daughter", "Celebration Meeting", "Three Pretenders", "An Jung Gun Shoots Ito Hirobumi" and "Blood at an International Conference" take an important place in the history of the anti–Japanese revolutionary literature and art.
5. Las obras literarias "Ermita Songhwang", "Carta de la hija", "Festejos", "Tres en pugna por el trono", "An Jung Gun dispara sobre Ito Hirobumi", "Inmolacion en la Conferencia Internacional", etc. inculcaron al pueblo coreano la conciencia de independencia nacional y el patriotismo antijapones y les ensenaron la verdad de que al luchar unidos pueden lograr la victoria en la revolucion.